sábado, 6 de abril de 2013

PAD Día 6: "El Bosco" de Rafael Alberti

PAD: Día 6

With a little help from my friends, gracias al desafío genial de Paco Puerto y la dirección artística de Daniel Ares-López, hoy os traigo el escatológicamente exuberante “El Bosco”, de Rafael Alberti, que describe ese cuadro alucinante de Hieronymus Bosch, “El jardín de las delicias”.

PAD: Day 6

With a little help from my friends, thanks to Paco Puerto’s brilliant challenge and Daniel Ares-López’s artistic direction, I bring you the scatologically exuberant “El Bosco”, by Rafael Alberti, which describes Hieronymus Bosch’s mind-blowing painting “The Garden of Earthly Delights”. (The literature scholar in me can’t help point out how, in the English version of the title, the adjective “earthly” binds interpretation and underlines that those delights are never transcendental...).

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